
Dr. William Boothe talks about Lasik Eye Surgery and eye problems

05/02/2011 20:10
Dr William Boothe Informed Consent Form a document disclosing the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a procedure. PRK: the acronym for photorefractive keratectomy which is a procedure involving the removal of the surface layer of the cornea (epithelium) by gentle scraping and use of a...

Dr Boothe

04/29/2011 18:28
Dr Boothe Glare: scatter from bright light that decreases vision. Cornea: the clear, front part of the eye. The cornea is the first part of the eye that bends (or refracts) the light and provides most of the focusing power.( - Dr William Boothe) Dr William Boothe: Dry Eye Syndrome: a common...

Dr. William Boothe Lasik article

11/09/2010 18:23
RK (Radial Keratotomy) Surgical procedure where cuts are made in the cornea in a radial pattern, to flatten the cornea and correct myopia. However, RK now is virtually obsolete as a corrective eye procedure. Staphylococcus: A group of bacteria that cause a multitude of diseases. Under a...

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care Blog

09/21/2010 12:32
Beta blocker Drug that widens or dilates blood vessels, thus enabling more normal flow of blood. Topical beta blockers applied as eye drops also can lessen fluid production and lower internal eye pressure (intraocular pressure) in eye diseases such as glaucoma to reduce the possibility of optic...

Boothe Eye Center - Dr. William Boothe Lasik

07/19/2010 13:34
Contact lens drops Eyedrops for contact lens wearers; regular eyedrops can discolor contact lenses. Spots Small, cloudy specks in the eye that become noticeable when they fall in the line of sight. Read our spots and floaters article.(17 July 2008 - Blog article Dr. Boothe Dallas ) Bulbar...

Boothe Laser Center article

07/19/2010 13:29
Suspensory ligament Also called zonule of Zinn. Membrane of fibers (zonules) that holds the eye's lens in place. Bacteria: Single-celled microorganisms which can exist either as independent (free-living) organisms or as parasites (dependent upon another organism for life).(27 February 2010 -...

Boothe Eye Center

07/19/2010 13:25
Myelin A sheath made of proteins that covers nerve fibers. Myelin is essential to transmission of nerve impulses carrying information to and from various parts of the body. When myelin is destroyed or damaged in the optic nerve, the result is optic neuritis, with vision loss or distortions....

Dr. William Boothe Dallas article

07/19/2010 13:16
Myasthenia gravis Weakness of the voluntary muscles, believed to be autoimmune in nature. Symptoms include double vision and eyelid ptosis; patients sometimes have non-eye symptoms as well, such as difficulty swallowing or using the arms and legs. Xanthelasma A yellow, fatty spot or bump on...

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care article: 20/20 vision

07/16/2010 11:32
Double vision Also called diplopia. When two images of the same object are perceived by one or both eyes. Read our article on double vision and also review eye symptoms for a list of conditions that can cause double vision. 20/20 vision Many eye care practitioners consider this the average ...

Ptosis Drooping eyelid

07/16/2010 11:32
LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) Procedure that is similar to LASIK, except that the surgeon cuts a flap in the epithelium only, instead of through the epithelium and part of the stroma. LASEK is used mostly for people with thin or flat corneas who are poor candidates for LASIK, which...
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Descemet's membrane Corneal layer between the stroma and the endothelium.

Choroid Layers of blood vessels located between the sclera (white of the eye) and the retina; they provide nourishment to the back area of the eye.(19 September 2009 - Online article Dr. William Boothe )

Carotenoid A pigmented substance that adds color such as red, orange, or yellow to plants. Carotenoids have antioxidant properties that protect cells against damage from free radicals, unstable atoms that can interact with and break down healthy tissue in different parts of the body including eyes.

Entropion An abnormal turning in of an eyelid, which causes the lashes to rub on the ocular surface; usually due to aging. Additional symptoms include eye or lid pain or discomfort, foreign body sensation, a red or pink eye, itching, tearing and vision loss.

Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges, membranes that envelope the brain and spinal cord. Viruses and bacteria can cause meningitis. Symptoms include fever, headache, vomiting, a stiff neck and light sensitivity.

Pseudotumor cerebri A condition whose symptoms mirror those of a brain tumor: increased intracranial pressure, headache, nausea, brief periods of vision loss (graying or blurring) and double vision. The cause is unknown, but patients are often obese women.Dr. Boothe

Vitreous body Part of the eye between the lens and the retina, containing a clear jelly called the vitreous humor.

OU Abbreviation for "oculus uterque," the Latin term for "each eye," used in vision correction prescriptions to indicate both eyes. Also an abbreviation for "oculi unitas" or "oculi uniter," meaning both eyes working simultaneously together. (21 September 2009 Dr. Boothe )

Dr. William Boothe article

Canaliculitis Inflammation of a tear duct (or ducts), caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms of this disorder include discharge, a red or pink eye and a swollen upper or lower eyelid near the nose.

Toric A lens design with two different optical powers at right angles to each other for the correction of astigmatism.( 16 October 2007 Blog article Dr. Boothe )

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